My Aunt Marj the Stunt Pilot and Mr. Winston’s Alexander Eaglerock

My Great Aunt Marjorie Winston Parker has been gathering old photos helping me to better understand our rather distinguished family heritage in aviation.

Like my grandma, Marjorie was a true aviation pioneer.  Her father was Grandmother’s flight instructor and of course, taught his daughter to fly too, sparking a passion for flight that lead her to become a stunt pilot!

A larger photo of the Alexander Eaglerock. The plane has a tiger painted on the side — it was the mascot for the College of Pacific flight school.

“One of the photos shows my dad in the cockpit,” Marj says, referring to the photo on the right “…and a guy he hired to help with flight instruction standing outside. I don’t know that guy’s name.”  So maybe that’s the new mystery.  Who is that guy?

Mr. Winston in front of an Alexander Eaglerock.

While I was asking about the several different fantastic airplanes Aunt Marj owned and flew, I learned she owned a Citabria stunt airplane!  How about that?  It’s a stunningly beautiful and powerful aircraft! She explained the roots of Citabria’s name, “It’s airbatic spelled backwards.”  She went on to describe the rolls and flight maneuvers she pulled over the criss crossing, perfectly straight California farm roads, far below. Marj is modest about her stunt flying days.  After she sold her Citabria she acquired several other mouthwatering sky chariots.

When I approach 90, I would like to be in the razor sharp condition that my Aunt Marj is in today.  She is an inspiration for me and I hope by sharing these tidbits, my daughters will appreciate her more.  It’s a bonus that I get to share this with friends, as well as aviation buffs who are Hobby Express customers!

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Mark Cleveland

CEO and Co-Founder of Hytch Rewards

“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.”

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